If you’ve been following me and my work for a while, you know I take a holistic approach to health.
I talk about how health is not just diet and exercise….
I share how sleep, energy and so much more are at play…
Including nurturing your spirit (download PDF).
Yep! The little ways you take care of your emotional & spiritual health can have a HUGE impact on your overall well being.
What do I mean by nurturing your spirit?
It’s finding things – either internal or external – that bring you a sense of joy & safety.
Many are calling them “glimmers” – which I love!
Nurturing your spirit and finding “glimmers” looks different for every person, but you’ll know one when you find one – because it leaves you feeling grounded and peaceful – and even with a smile on your face!
Why are glimmers important?
Because as adults, we’re conditioned to do the responsible thing. To get to the end goal.
Glimmers are more about the experience – not the outcome.
We can enjoy being in the moment – rather than accomplishing the goal/project, etc.
It lets us tap back into our childhood joy – where we did things just for fun!
Here are some examples of glimmers:
- Savoring just the right conversation during lunch with a good friend
- Finding the perfect shell on the beach
- Loving the color of the flowers you just planted or saw in the park
- Enjoying the sun on your face – even for just a few minutes
- Turning up a good song and singing to it at the top of your lungs
- Finally curling up with a soft blanket and that book you’ve been dying to read
- Exploring something creative and new – like watercoloring or knitting – without worrying what the end-goal looks like
- Enjoying playing a game just for the fun of it and the people playing with you (not winning or losing)
- Applying hand lotion while sending love to your hands and enjoying how your skin feels.
I invite you to pay attention this week to find what lights YOU up in the moment and puts a smile on your face.
And feel free to share them with me – I love to hear from you!
Please know that I am always here to support you and help you feel your best.
Schedule a free 20-Minute Health Strategy Call HERE and let’s chat about how you can feel better than you have in years!
DISCLAIMER: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about nutrition and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please click here.