Use these basic guidelines to build an amazing nutrient-filled smoothie!
Examples for each category are listed below.
- maca
- dehydrated blueberry powder
- acai powder
- ashwagandha powder
- matcha powder
- ground turmeric
- fresh ginger
- spirulina
- collagen
- fiber source like psyllium or acacia
Healthy Fats
- avocado
- chia seeds
- hemp hearts
- shredded coconut
- coconut oil
- walnuts
- almonds
- almond butter
- kale
- spinach
- bok choy
- chard
- cucumber
- collard
- beet
- carrot
- parsley
- mint
- basil
- cilantro
- berries
- apple
- pear
- peach
- banana
- pineapple
- pomegranate seeds
- mango
Protein Powder*
- quality vegan or whey – no sugar, no sugar substitutions
- minimal ingredients
- organic preferred
- filtered water
- bone broth
- non-dairy milk
- organic kefir
- tea (tulsi, matcha, green, dandelion, ginger, licorice or nettle)
Try a combination of these ingredients to build better smoothie:
- maca
- dehydrated blueberry powder
- acai powder
- ashwagandha powder
- matcha powder
- ground turmeric
- fresh ginger
- spirulina
- collagen
- fiber source like psyllium or acacia
Healthy Fats
- avocado
- chia seeds
- hemp hearts
- shredded coconut
- coconut oil
- walnuts
- almonds
- almond butter
- kale
- spinach
- bok choy
- chard
- cucumber
- collard
- beet
- carrot
- parsley
- mint
- basil
- cilantro
- berries
- apple
- pear
- peach
- banana
- pineapple
- pomegranate seeds
- mango
Protein Powder*
- quality vegan or whey – no sugar, no sugar substitutions
- minimal ingredients
- organic preferred
- filtered water
- bone broth
- non-dairy milk
- organic kefir
- tea (tulsi, matcha, green,
dandelion, ginger, licorice,
or nettle)
*What brand of protein powder should I buy, Pam?
The type of protein powder you use is critical. You’ll want to aim for high quality, absorbable protein.
I prefer plant-based proteins for most clients (without soy). You’ll want low or no sugar and no sugar substitutes except for monk fruit, stevia, coconut sugar.
Limited ingredients are better if you are trying to heal your gut or have any food sensitivity issues as fewer ingredients are tolerated better.
Some of my favorite professional brands:
- Xymogen
- Designs for Health
- Vital Proteins
- Ancient Nutrition
- Thorne
Some of my favorite brands at health food stores online:
- Aloha
- Orgain
- Navitas Protein
- Amazing Grass
You may purchase any of these brands through my Fullscript store.
Practice boosting the nutrition of your smoothie to enhance its health benefits. You can get creative and explore different flavor combinations and see how they make you feel!
Need some personalized help around your nutrition goals?
Know that I am always here to support you and help you feel your best. Simply connect with me.
DISCLAIMER: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about nutrition and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please click here.